December 30-31, Jennie and I drove up to Vancouver and took the ferry across to Victoria to see some friends I had met in Costa Rica earlier this year. On my May vacation, I went to a tiny little beach town on the southern Pacific coast (Uvita). The only other people in the hostel when got there were three Canadian college guys. They were going to eat when I got there, and I was hungry, so it was a natural alliance. :) I hung out with them all week and had a blast! They were so good about hanging out with a girl and totally made my vacation - Costa Rica picture after swimming in a waterfall for reference below.....
So, I decided to go see them in Canada ... different attire, but just as fun! They put us up, let us meet their families, showed us around Victoria......
fed us, entertained us, took us to a hockey game....
I asked Jennie if all Canadians are this great, or if I had a biased sample - she thinks they're mostly this great. Maybe I should move to Canada, eh? I like the flag. :)