Friday, July 21, 2006

EIS Week 2

July 10-14: EIS week 2 of classes. We got into epi and outbreak investigation for real, with classes all morning and case studies in the afternoons. All day in class turned out to be tough for us 30 somethings, so breaks between classes were a huge relief! (Derek, Samir, Patricia, Nandini)

Out for Korean BBQ with a group of EIS classmates - We end up doing something social pretty much every night - trying all kinds of fun ethnic cuisine .... Bangladeshi, Korean, Thai, Ethiopian... It has been so much fun to get to know people - I am continually astounded by what incredible backgrounds people have. It has been a lot of fun to get to know and appreciate the skill mix of my classmates - epidemiology PhDs, veterinarians, MDs. We have so much to learn from each other, and it has been fun to work on teams together.

Several times a week, different folks invite everyone over. This is at Danielle's party - Cindy, Italia, me, Vidhya, and Heather.

Adam, Ingrid, me, and Christine

Melissa, her sister, and Danielle (serving jello shots)

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